Parent Toddler Club
welcome to our
Multi-sensory adventure club for busy people from 0 to 13 months!
A whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures, and learning for your baby or toddler. Many parents need help, friendship, advice, or support during those early years when their children are young. If you have at least one child under five, then our club can help. Being a parent can be a tough job, and a lack of support from family or friends can lead to isolation.
Along with our trained professionals, we have a group of volunteers who are all parents themselves and offer friendship, support, and strategies to help families establish good bedtime routines, manage challenging behaviour, and even finances.
They also help families with more complex needs including mental health, child protection, and help families grow in confidence, strengthen their relationships with their children and widen their links with the local community.







You'll always remember the moment your baby produces their very first notes of our unique signature song played at the start of every session.
About Parent-Toddler Club
Founder of My School ITALY, Dr Aperna Volluru, is one of Italy’s leading parenting experts and a renowned feature writer and speaker within the field of childcare and education. With over 30 years of practical experience working with parents and children and driven by the passion and commitment to offer the best possible service, Dr Aperna Volluru developed this Mom-Toddler Club to provide the support and knowledge necessary to lead baby learning and development forwards in the most important year of life (and ran classes herself for 9 years).
Our Clubs are great for:
- Having lots of fun!
- Developing the bond between parent and baby.
- Helping to nurture babies’ developing communication and language skills.
- Giving parents more confidence in caring and nurturing their children.
- Improving general ability in literacy, numeracy, language, and reasoning.
- Preparing children for whatever journey they wish to take later on and giving them all the skills they need to start learning through the senses.
- Improving concentration and memory skills, emotional development, motor skills, social skills, coordination, and self-confidence.
- Exploring the imagination.
- Developing the inner ear - the ability to sing in tune and ‘hear’ music written down.
- Developing a sense of pulse (keeping the beat)
- Learning about musical concepts unconsciously (such as fast-slow, loud-quiet).
Colour Strings Approach
When your baby or toddler has finished exploring, a whole new world of adventure, we end the sessions with our Music that uses the internationally acclaimed Colourstrings Approach to develop your baby or child’s innate musicality from the early years, through enjoyable songs, rhymes, games, percussion, dances, and movement. Through carefully structured and progressive sessions, that are age-specific (for 0-7-year-olds), children are taken on a fun journey each week where they develop their sense of pulse, rhythm, and pitch in a fun and playful way.
Explore our fabulous adventure play area!
Come along and join us in our fabulous play area. It’s not only a great place to play, but the equipment encourages a wide range of skills from social (making new friends) to physical (climbing, rolling, bouncing), emotional (it’s so much fun!), creative (building a house), intellectual (working out how to get over obstacles), and heaps more that form the foundation of all future learning. And we all know how important it is to burn off excess energy in helping your child to sleep!

The most miraculous advances in your baby’s brain structure occur in the first 3 months of life. During this period, an astonishing 2 million new brain cell connections are created every second. By the end of the first year, your baby’s brain will have doubled in volume as a direct result of sensory learning from birth!
Activities For Kids
Why attend one of our award-winning Toddler Sense classes?
An educational, interactive, and developmental program, which will help your toddler learn and develop important skills.
Every class has been carefully designed, planned, and researched by Dr Aperna Volluru with you and your toddler's needs in mind.
An ideal place to meet new parents, ask questions, and share ideas, experiences and memories together.

Sessions designed to help your adventurous baby or toddler burn off excess energy and develop vital physical, communication, social and intellectual skills.
Sessions vary every week and offer babies and parents sensory delights such as light shows, signing, textures, bubbles, massage, reflexology, musical instruments, balloons, feathers, parachutes, and puppets, the list is endless!
Highly trained Club Leaders.

Ciao Baby
Working parents look no further. We are a flexible nursery offering solutions and services to fit your schedule, from convenient locations and flexible hours, to meal service and tools that allow you to be connected to your child at any time. Always close to you, be it your home or your office. We care for over 1200 children daily!

We work with companies and corporations and provide tailor-made family solutions to employees. Our goal is to become an asset to your work place by sharing your employees’ family responsibility, thereby allowing them to become a more productive part of your business.

enroll your child
Interested in a community of global learners, child psychologists, paediatricians and educators, who, like your-self, believe in the power of a progressive, quality education to make the world a better place?